Wednesday, May 20, 2009

myTinyTodo v1.1

Released new version of simple ajax todolist - myTinyTodo.

  • Added tags.
  • Added smart syntax: add task with additional parameters
    (usage: /priority/ task title /tags/).
  • Added style for mobile devices
    (open as /index.php?pda or simply /?pda).
  • Sqlite version now uses sqlite3 (pdo_sqlite library).
  • Search in the notes.
  • Some redesign of authorization process.
myTinyTodo homepage | demo | demo for mobiles

How to update mysql version
  • Upload and replace files excluding directory 'db'.
  • Open 'update_100_110.php' and click 'Update'.
  • Delete file 'update_100_110.php'.

How to update sqlite version
This process requires both 'php_sqlite' and 'php_pdo_sqlite' PHP extensions.
  • Upload and replace files excluding directory 'db'.
  • Rename old database 'todolist.db' in 'db' directory to 'todolist.old'.
  • Open 'dba.php' and create new database tables.
  • Open 'update_100_110.php' and click 'Update'.
  • Delete file 'update_100_110.php'.

Info for translators

Removed 2 strings (logout, tab_login) and added 5 strings (a_login, a_logout, tags, tagfilter, tagfilter_cancel).

Update (May 27): Source updated to v1.1.1. This is bugfix release.

Update 2 (June 30): Updated to v1.2 beta

Friday, May 8, 2009

myTinyTodo v1.0 released

Main feature of new version is the password protection. You may protect your tasks with password specified in configuration file ($config['password']). Also you can allow the others to view your tasks but not to modify: $config['allow'] = "read";.

Configuration file 'config.php' moved to directory 'db'.

Changed format of language packs. Now packs can be used with new version of script even if new strings will be added for translation.

How to make your translation:
1. Copy and rename english language pack 'en.php' in directory 'lang'.
2. Modify text strings in this file (in UTF-8 encoding).
3. To use new language pack specify it in configuration file:
$config['lang'] = "your pack";.

myTinyTodo homepage

Update: New version released

Saturday, May 2, 2009

myTinyTodo v0.9

I have updated the script. Now it includes russian translation, as example of method how to localize this app.

How to make your translation:

1. Copy default lang files 'default.php' and 'default.js' in directory 'lang' with new names as language you want (for ex. 'spanish.php' and 'spanish.js').
2. Modify text strings in this files as you need (in UTF-8 encoding).
3. Specify interface language in 'config.php' at line starting with $config['lang'], as  $config['lang'] = "spanish".

* Added string to lang file 'default.js': 
error: 'Some error occured'
* Header and title can be optionally translated in '.php' as
$lang['My Tiny Todolist'] = "Your todolist";

Upd2: Format of language packs has changed in version 1.0.