Wednesday, September 23, 2009

myTinyTodo v1.2.7

myTinyTodo updated to v1.2.7.

What's new since v1.2.6:
  • Bugs fixed
  • Some redesign (rounded corners)


  1. Thanks!! when is coming the TinyToDo for categories/sections/groups etc. :D waiting for it!!

  2. Next major release (v1.3) will have ability to create multiple lists. Today it's in development.

  3. I stumbled upon your script a few weeks ago and have found it very handy as an edit-anywhere grocery list that I can edit from home, office, or the blackberry. I do have one request if it's possible. Can you add a small field on the "new task" bar for tags? Maybe add a configuration somewhere so that those that do not want it can turn it off.

  4. @Robert T: You want additional input field for tags? Have you used "smart syntax" to specify tags?

  5. awesome work man!!, i installed this on my server and now i use it daily

  6. One important feature you should include is to number the tasks, perhaps put the number count right after the checkbox...

  7. @György Fekete: Maybe this way:

    #tasklist {
    list-style-type: decimal;
    list-style-position: outside;

    #tasklist li { margin-left:30px; }

  8. Really nice. This also looks like it could be the core of an events calendar.

  9. In the tagCloud, if we have a lot of tags, we don't see the end of tagcloud.

    I add in file "ajax.js" line 704 nearly
    where cloud+= is
    <br /> at the end

    but it's not the solution

  10. Very good work, very practical. Maybe you should include Asc/Desc option when sorting.

  11. hi, very good work.
    i am trying to do something that i did in the last version, but now it doesn´t work.

    task list for each user on my site.

    i created a fiel on the todolist table. this field is idUser (int) that is connected with the user table on my database.

    to do this work i change two lines of code on ajax.php

    $q = $db->dq("SELECT * FROM todolist tl $inner WHERE tl.idUsuario='".$_SESSION['idUsuario']."' $sqlWhere ORDER BY ow ASC");

    $db->dq("INSERT INTO todolist (idUsuario, title,d,ow,prio) VALUES ($idUsuario,?,?,$ow,$prio)", array($title, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")));

    but with the new version, it doesn´t work.
    i need some help, any idea? is the documentation exits?

  12. very good work.

    Please teach the method of making the default of "Tasks" "Tasks + completed".

  13. Some additional things you might want to add:

    1. Add Scroll bar for the "Notes" even when you are just viewing. Can expand if user wants(more like fold and unfold). Otherwise the text occupies more in the task list.
    It is a great work and I appreciate your effort in making this public. I will add more suggestions as I go through.

  14. @Anonymous: Replace "loadTasks()" with "setTaskview(1)" in index.php to make "Tasks+completed" the default taskview.

  15. @the designer venu: some kind of feature you request will be present in v1.3.

  16. I'm having trouble installing it. Do I run setup.php from the browser. It tells me that permissions are not set correctly. What should they be set to?



  17. as per my previous post.

    I realised what the problem was. The zip file needs to be compressed BEFORE it is uploaded to the server. I unzipped it via SSL and that seemed to be the problem.
